Champion Mom: Keeping it Clean, Family-Style

By: christineh Tuesday May 3, 2016 comments Tags: Carpet Cleaning, champion mom, chores, housework, kids, parenting, professional carpet cleaning, professional cleaning

Champion Mom: Keeping it Clean, Family-Style

Life is busy and sometimes messy. No one knows that better than parents, especially when you're talking about keeping a house in order. As a Champion Mom, you do a lot already. There is no reason why the sole burden of keeping up with the housework should fall on your shoulders. It's time to spread the wealth, so to speak, and encourage the other people at home to pitch in and do their part. That to-do list of things that need to get done becomes dependent on everyone in the home pitching in to help. Their version of clean versus your... Read More

7 Carpet and Upholstery Cleaning Tips for Moms

By: christineh Tuesday October 27, 2015 comments Tags: Carpet Cleaning, kids, upholstery cla

7 Carpet and Upholstery Cleaning Tips for Moms

Kids are so cute. And dirty. I sometimes have thought that kids are so darn cute because when they make big messes, we need some reason to extend the level of grace and patience needed to deal with it like an adult. And not the only sometimes OCD adult that we can be. Other than pet stains, kids make the most messes on carpets and upholstery. Whether paints gone awry, muddy footprints, food and drinks or more, kids are walking chaos makers. But, they are so cute and steal our hearts, so we need to deal with the temporary... Read More


